• Pressure Units
  • Pumping Speed Units
  • Material Selection
  • Pump Selection

Pressure Unit Converter

Pumping Speed Unit Converter

*Decimals indicated by commas ","

This information is provided as a general guide only. Further guidance should be sought with respect to specific chemicals and their applications.
Chemical Resistance:
Material Generally resistant to Generally attacked by
Butadiene Acrylonitrile copolymer
Many hydrocarbon fats, oils, greases, hydraulic fluids
Ozone, ketones, esters, aldehydes, chlorinated and nitro hydrocarbons
Moderate chemicals and acids, ozone, oily fats, greases, many oils and solvents
Strong oxidising acids and esters, ketones, chlorinated aromatic and nitro hydrocarbons
Fluorocarbon polymer
All aliphatic, aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons, acids, animal and vegetable fats
Ketones, low molecular weight esters and nitro containing compounds
Organic acids, fatty acids, freons, nitric acid
Strong acids, alkalis chlorinated solvents, mercury
Stainless Steel
Organic acids, alkalis, nitric acid. Sulphuric acid (10%)
Strong oxidising acids and esters, ketones, chlorinated aromatic and nitro hydrocarbons
Liquid crystal polymer
Organic acids, glycols, chlorinated solvents, ketones, mineral and oxidising acids, caustic solutions, freons
Sodium hydroxide, sulphuric acid (70%)