Calibration System ECAL1

The Edwards calibration system ECAL1 is a fully automatic pumping system based on the Edwards T-station 85H turbomolecular pumping station.

The systems are supplied with a vacuum chamber attached, and are equipped with two reference pressure gauges, with Edwards Barocel 7025.

The calibration system has been designed for use in a wide range of applications where accuracy and repeatability of vacuum measurement is an important aspect of the quality process, and to safeguard the process stability and product quality.

Calibration system ECAL1 provides output comparison between reference gauges and test gauges for a pressure measurement range from 1000 to 10-4mbar. The user must define the acceptable tolerance between reference gauges and the test gauges, whilst taking into consideration the uncertainty of different calibration process conditions. Note that no adjustments are to be performed on the test gauges during the calibration procedure.

Plug & Pump
With no systemisation and no additional air
cooling required

TIC Controller
Automatically recognizes and controls
active gauges.

Easy to use
fully assembled
and ready to go for quick and easy operation

All combinations of primary pumps and turbos can be serviced by the end-user

Quiet Operation
All combinations of nEXT turbo stations offer low levels of noise and vibration

Easy to Control
Easy operation with all controller options and advanced functionality TIC

R&D > Primary Vacuum Pumps > Oil sealed Rotary Vane Pumps

This wide range of rugged pumps offers an excellent ultimate with good pumping speed. RV pumps have superior vapour handling capabilities, while operating quietly.

3.3 - 12 m3/h


0.75 - 27.5 m3/h

to 1x10-3mbar

Calibration Pressure range

Ultimate Vacuum

Ambient opeerating temperature range

Maximum ambient operating humidity

Ports for calibration vacuum chamber





Std.Calibration System

between 1000 to 10⁻⁴*


5 to 40

max. 90% RH non-condensing at 40

3x NW16 for calibration gauges / 1x NW16 for gas admit

* depending on the number and measuring range of the reference pressure gauges

** for clean, dry and empty chamber

Communications & Controls

TIC Controller

The reference pressure gauges are connected and controlled via a TIC instrument controller. The TIC instrument controller is equipped with an intuitive easy-to-use graphical interface via a touch sensitive panel. The results can be observed on the TIC controller or connected via RS232/485 for control and data monitoring on a remote PC.

Backing Pump


XDD1 diaphragm pumps are used for backing small compound turbomolecular pumps in clean, high vacuum applications, and also designed to be free standing bench top units. A typical ultimate pressure of better than 5 x 10⁻⁸ mbar can be achieved when using an XDD1 to back a 70l/s turbomolecular pump.

It is designed to provide a complete pumping package using the Edwards Turbo and Instrument Controller (TIC). By selecting the appropriate mode the pump speed can be controlled by the user to provide variable pumping speed. Under normal conditions the XDD

