Titanium Sublimation Pumps (TSPs) are often used in combination with ion pumps or independently to remove reactive gases from the vacuum environment.
TSPs can operate from 10-5to 10-12 mbar and have pumping speeds in excess of 10,000 m3/h of hydrogen.
can be used independently or in combination with ion pumps to remove reactive gases from the vacuum environment
All TSP components are bakeable to 400°C
Combined with an ion pump, the TSP allows for low ultimate pressures in a shorter amount of time. All TSP components are bakeable to 400°C.
TSPs operate by heating a titanium filament and subliming (converting from solid to gas phase) titanium molecules onto a surface. Sublimed titanium molecules are then available to chemically react with reactive gases, like oxygen and nitrogen, and disassociate and diffuse hydrogen. TSPs can operate from 10-5 to 10-12 mbar and have pumping speeds in excess of 10,000 m3h-1 of hydrogen.
Product Features
The liquid cryoshroud consists of a double walled, type 304L stainless steel cylinder with two liquid nitrogen feedthroughs (.375 in. diameter) with flare type fittings. It provides 1578 cm2 (245 in2 ) of liquid nitrogen cooled surface area that provides pumping speeds up to 12,000m3/h for hydrogen (see table). The shroud is mounted on an 8 in. CFF (DN160).
The filament cartridge is mounted on a 2- 3/4” CFF (DN40). The feedthrough supports three titanium-molybdenum filaments and a return path for ground isolation. Each filament contains 1.5 grams of usable titanium and averages 20 hours of operation.
The ambient sputter shield economically maximizes surface area when cooling is not practical or possible. It provides 827cm2 (128 in2 ) of ambient temperature surface area that provides pumping speeds up to 2200 m3/h for hydrogen (see table). The shield is mounted on an 8 in. CFF (DN160) or a 6 in. CFF (DN100).